
We recently updated the opening time to 7 a.m. seven days a week at our South Memorial Taco Bell in Murfreesboro, TN. To spread the word quickly, this energetic team thought outside the box by stepping outside the restaurant!

It all started with a cold but sunny day … several team members dressed up in colorful hot sauce costumes during the first hour of business to attract attention. Located on a corner with high traffic, it didn’t take long to get noticed!

Cars were honking, team member Vickie Partee responded in fun with a special happy dance. Some guests returned later for lunch! And the following morning, South Memorial had a repeat customer already waiting at the new opening time. According to Peggy Hendricks, Area Coach, the team had a really good time!

At MRCO, we like to see our restaurant teams serving up a healthy dose of enthusiasm on any given day. As long as creative campaigns maintain Taco Bell’s supreme standards and represent the brand positively, we support the fun! In fact, check out Georgia’s fastest taco contest last December!